Validating the clinical effect of a knee orthosis
Do you need to wear a knee brace because of osteoarthritis ? We need your help !
TOPMED assists organizations involved in health, adaptation, rehabilitation, and mobility. We develop, personalize, optimize and validate devices, equipment, and technologies for vulnerable and athletic populations.
Industrial design
3D modeling
Additive manufacturing
Mechanical tests
Profile analysis of plantar pressure
Motion 3D analysis
Sports performance analysis
Technical aids
Supporting autonomy
Humanoid robotics and social integration
Virtual reality
Multisensory environment
Do you need to wear a knee brace because of osteoarthritis ? We need your help !
We would like to obtain your opinion in this questionnaire regarding the development of an instrumented orthosis for individuals living with foot drop. We are looking for participants for this study.
We check the news to inform you of the latest technological advances
Du boeuf de Kobé imprimé en 3D bientôt dans nos assiettes ? - 3Dnatives
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Quel rôle l'impression 3D joue-t-elle dans la planification chirurgicale, particulièrement en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique ?